Awaken the Force Within You in 2016

 |  General Self-Directed IRAs
Awaken the Force Within You

By J.P. Dahdah, Founder & CEO of Vantage

Yes, I did.  I too am using a Star Wars reference to share my message with you this month.  Kind of hard not to since everywhere I turned this holiday season there were commercials, merchandise and conversations all about Star Wars. Whether or not you saw the latest movie or are even a fan of the Star Wars franchise, it has a powerful message… conquer yourself and The Force will be with you.

The majority of battles we fight throughout our lives are with ourselves.  Our inner voice.  We fight fear, temptation, resistance, desires, etc.  The outcomes of those internal conversations create your life.  Why? Because your life is a result of the choices you make…if you do not like your life it is time to start making better choices.  Making better choices is not about improving your level of motivation, discipline or will-power.  It is about your habits.

If you have a habit of allowing fear to control your choices, your outcome will not improve.  If you have a habit of making excuses for things you have not accomplished, your situation will never get better.  This holds true in a big way with your financial choices.  If you have a habit of saving, you will win.  If you have a habit of spending more than what you make, you will lose.

I have found that the majority of Self-Directed IRA investors have sound financial habits.  They save money, do their homework and take control of their financial planning.  This is not a result of a New Year’s resolution or some brief moment of motivation.  It is a result of a habit formed over a long period of time which enables them to make better choices with their money.  It is not a daily battle.  It is like brushing their teeth; they just do it without much thought or effort.

I realize that I am not sharing new information. It is simply a friendly reminder that there is a BIG difference between knowing what to do and doing what you know.  As you embark on yet another year, focus on creating a habit of doing what you already know will help you reach your financial goals.  Research has proven that it takes 21 days to form a habit or eliminate one.  So I challenge you to awaken the force within you and put a simple plan together using no more than three strategies to form one sound financial habit for yourself in 2016.

What side will you choose? 

Will you allow the Dark Side to control your financial future or will you let go of the negative voices and make wiser choices?  Your financial freedom is dependent on your answer.  Choose wisely.  As Master Yoda would say “Do or do not.  There is no try.”

Cheers to a bountiful 2016